Monday 16 December 2019

Pet Day

I have done This because it pet day.

Thursday 12 December 2019

SLJ Activity 2

I think they should lower the prices of berries and fruit like cherries apricots apples.This is very important to me because all of those that I mentioned a very good but they cost to much.

SLJ teaser - Principal

If I was the principal of the school for a week I would make sure that both playground's have swings because swings are very fun. But I will have gates around the swings.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

SlJ Teaser

The water project try's to give water to the unfortunate.
They have no clean water and get diseases then die if they drink the water. So help the unfortunate.

Monday 9 December 2019

Friday 1 November 2019


When we went to the Pumpkin Patch there was a really cool snowman pumpkin looking thing

These were the pumpkins we got.  I thought we got a bunch and they look really cool because there are pumpkins and gourds and all that jazz.

These gourds were on display in front of the small pumpkins.

This is me and Rufus in front of a broken down truck that is on display.

This is us carving the pumpkins we got from the pumpkin patch.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Boo Ridge

Boo Ridge is a thing at my cousin's school where they put up really cool decorations.  They have games that give out candy if you win them.  The school is actually called Viewridge so it is a Halloween joke.  This is what an American school looks like. They have lockers and all the rooms are not individual.

Tuesday 29 October 2019


 In the northern hemisphere it is autumn while in the southern hemisphere it is spring.  This is me using the leaf blower to clear the lawn of its leaves. And the other picture is me playing with the chomper in the big pile of leaves I made with the leaf blower and rake.

Monday 16 September 2019

Haiku poem

Here is another Haiku poem.

Haiku poem

This is a Haiku poem. A Haiku poem is a poem with a  specific  amount of  syllables

Thursday 12 September 2019

Repeated Additon

WE have been doing repeated addition here is an example.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Blue Colour Poem

First we planed it out. Then we wrote down the sentences. After we made pictures. Last we made the Wevideo and that comes to now.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Tynker term 3

Yesterday Mr Kinane  came to our classroom we learned  more about Tynker. We learnt  how to make a face . I did't finish  as you can see.   the other photo is me just messing around. I thought that making  the eyes of the  face  equal  was very hard.

Monday 5 August 2019

Melted wax Art

I really like this because it was fun because you're melted crayons to make paint . It wold dry really quickly. What we were doing was crayon art making a clown portrait. We boiled water in an electric fry pan with a  muffin container that we put the  crayons to melt in. Each paintbrush had its own colour.  First we drew what we were going to paint on a piece of paper . Then we had to have turns at painting because there wasn't enough space  for everyone.  Then we had to paint in the background. then we took a picture of all the ones that we're finished.  Then we hung them up on a string across the classroom.
                                                                             I really like my clown  because it has big free spaces .


Tuesday 2 July 2019

Term 2 reflection

I think I haven't been learning that much this year because I have been distracted by my classmate’s
and talking way too much. But I think it was a good decision for the teacher to have an idea that if we
talked too much we have to move our desks and that helped me a lot. So I think that I need to improve
on not talking to people around me. 

I think some of my favourite times this year is when we do stuff that is really interesting.
I have enjoyed writing because you can do stuff like report writing or recount writing which I really liked
this year. I liked how you could choose what the topic you did in report writing and recount writing.
My next step is  to make more detailed sentences as in more informational sentences.

I think I have been really good at math this year.  I have gone to the tippity top I can be and I feel like I
have done really well because I have done everything I can to be the best I can be at maths. I can
still learn more.

I didn't like how they close room 3’s back door because it was really fun and other people just didn't
do what they were allowed to do there on frosty mornings.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Vocab week 9

We are learning a word that is new to most of us. We have to write what the word means and we have to draw a picture

Thursday 20 June 2019

Vocab week 8

Bolt means go really fast  like zoom. And it also means bolt is a small or large square nail that goes in a nut. Or a bolt of lightning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Wednesday 12 June 2019


To cease is to stop what you are doing immediately

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Cool Shapes

On Monday we learnt how to make cool shapes like this one. I shaded at 500 pixels,  90 degrees then worked my way by moving down in 50 pixels.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Vocab wk 5 procrastinate

I learnt that there is a word for not doing something for a while.

That word is procrastinate

Thursday 28 March 2019

All About Me

Hi my name is Franis I am 8 years old. I am currently at Ruma Tui. I love beavers because they are really cute and they have such cool powers.  My friends are Zack,  Jayden, Ben and Louis. I can count to ten in Spanish.  I have very long hair I love marine biology. I love the aye -aye the aye -aye are thought to bring bad luck.  I have two big sibling Rufus and Arlo.  I would like to solve maths problems in Spanish and count more in Spanish.


We are learning to take care of our chromebooks. One of the things we learned I will not send inappropriate stuff. I will not bash the keyboard. You should never hold your chromebook by the lid. You should never put your chromebook on the floor. You should never hold your chromebook with one hand. You should never throw your chromebook on the ground. You should always be in the right place at the right time.

Up Over the Tens

We are learning to work out the missing number. We had to find the missing number. We used animal cards up to 10 and worked them out by putting them together to work out the answer.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Maths Shapes


We were making shapes and  I made this.I used 26 triangles.A triangle haves 3 sides. A triangle has 3 corners.

Thursday 28 February 2019

More or Less

l was learning to show more or less. l worked it out by subtracting and adding my number.
l could improve on not talking while working.