Thursday 28 March 2019

All About Me

Hi my name is Franis I am 8 years old. I am currently at Ruma Tui. I love beavers because they are really cute and they have such cool powers.  My friends are Zack,  Jayden, Ben and Louis. I can count to ten in Spanish.  I have very long hair I love marine biology. I love the aye -aye the aye -aye are thought to bring bad luck.  I have two big sibling Rufus and Arlo.  I would like to solve maths problems in Spanish and count more in Spanish.


We are learning to take care of our chromebooks. One of the things we learned I will not send inappropriate stuff. I will not bash the keyboard. You should never hold your chromebook by the lid. You should never put your chromebook on the floor. You should never hold your chromebook with one hand. You should never throw your chromebook on the ground. You should always be in the right place at the right time.

Up Over the Tens

We are learning to work out the missing number. We had to find the missing number. We used animal cards up to 10 and worked them out by putting them together to work out the answer.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Maths Shapes


We were making shapes and  I made this.I used 26 triangles.A triangle haves 3 sides. A triangle has 3 corners.